
Paris 13

On the days May 27-29, the conference will take place at the Villetaneuse campus of Université Paris 13.

Address :

99, av. Jean-Baptiste Clément - 93430 Villetaneuse

You can find the position of Amphi B at number 8 on the plan of the Villetaneuse campus.

By car, leaving from Paris:

Porte de la Chapelle > Highway A1 direction Lille, then Exit N°2 (Saint-Denis - Stade de France), then direction Villetaneuse Université
GPS Coordinates: Latitude 48.9561507, Longitude 2.3412626

By public transportation, leaving from Paris:

• Train line H, from Gare du Nord (platforms 30 to 36), until the train station of Epinay-Villetaneuse. In Gare du Nord, take one among the directions Persan-Beaumont, Valmondois, Monsoult-Maffliers or Pontoise after checking, on the starting platform, that the train stops in Epinay-Villetaneuse.
At the train station of Epinay-Villetaneuse, exit on the side Villetaneuse, then take the Tramway T11 in the direction Bourget and get off at the stop Villetaneuse-Université.
> Plan of T11

Or :

Always in the station Gare d'Epinay-Villetaneuse, take bus 361 in the direction Gare de Pierrefitte - Stains RER, stop  Université Paris 13.
• You can also take the Tramway T8 leaving from Saint-Denis Porte de Paris (on the Metro line 13) and get off at the stop Villetaneuse Université.
> Plan of T8

30 minutes' trip from Gare du Nord


Paris 6

On May 31st the conference will take place at the Jussieu campus of Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), in the center of Paris.


4, place Jussieu - 75005 Paris

Here is a plan of the Jussieu campus. The Amphi 15 is at the base of tower 15.

By car:

GPS Coordinates: Latitude 48.8464111, Longitude 2.3548468
Free underground parking: Entrance from rue des Fossés Saint-Bernard, at the height of tower 12

By public transportation:

Métro: Lines 7, 10, station Jussieu
Bus: Lines 67, 89, stop Jussieu or lines 24, 63, stop "Université Paris 6"

10 minutes' trip from Châtelet - Les Halles
20 minutes' trip from Gare de l'Est, Gare de Lyon et Gare du Nord



Restaurants near Paris 6



- Falafel and Leban food, take-away, marché, 1 place Monge, *




- Bagel corner, 29 rue Linné, *





- Kootchi, afghan food, 40 rue Cardinal Lemoine, **




- Foyer vietnamien, 40 rue Monge, **





- Comptoir Méditérané, lebanese food, 42 rue Cardinal Lemoine, **





- Le jardin des pâtes, pasta, 4 rue Lacépède, ***




- Kokoro, french-japan food, 36 Rue des Boulangers, ***





- Les arènes, french, 16 rue Linné, ***





- Les belles plantes, french, 47 rue Cuvier, ***





- Le buisson ardent, french, 25 rue Jussieu, ***


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